The Invisible Circus

A spectacle of rants, raves, sorrows, excitement, and more. Step right up.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Winding Down and Gearing Up

As the semester winds down I am already anticipating how much I will miss my students. I have not enjoyed a class this much in a long time. Even those who pissed me off by blowing off assignments - were great in class discussions and fun much of the time. Now, I gear up to grade up their final writings, etc. All of which must be done by Tuesday afternoon next week and I won't get the damn things for another few days. Ugh! Such is life I suppose - or mine anyway.

My anxiety about surgery grows each day. Also the lengthy recovery has me worried beyond my normal worrying. I keep reminding myself that I must be good about taking my meds through all of this. If I am even a little wishy washy, it will all go badly. Getting manic will lead to my over-exerting myself, resulting in internal bleeding, resulting in another surgery. Getting depressed will keep me from getting studying done and this will be the prime time to work my tail off in preparation for my tests.

Friends keep telling me to look on the bright side - the end result. I try, I really do - but my thoughts run away with me - imagine that someone bipolar having a tough time reigning it in?

Will probably be posting more while recovering, reading, and resting.


At December 8, 2007 at 3:46 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I've just read through your Blog and can relate to so much of what you say. I also have bipolar 2, and like you it can be a torturous trial but I'm not sure I could function without it. As strange as that may sound to a lot of people.

Thank you for commenting on my Blog, and I'd love to hear your story if you're still interested in submitting it to me. The only way to open up a few ingorant eyes is for us to keep speaking up about mental illness.

I have tried to email you but it seems the email address isn't working. Please feel free to email me.

I wish you all the best,


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