Keeps Spiders in Her Pockets
So, today I turn one year older and thought I would spend the evening on my own. It was a good choice. Despite family and failing relationship partner's attempts to have me out for dinner, I managed to get time to myself. Watched a wonderful film, chatted on the phone a bit, and now here I am thinking I have some wonderful words of reflection over the past year. Honestly, I do not want to "reflect" on the past year. I do that in therapy sessions where I have someone who is able to help me sort through it. Doing that now would only ruin a rather peaceful day. It has not been an easy year.
Surgery went well. Recovery is a slow process and strict. Should I overdo it, back to the operating room I go. Needless to say I'm trying to take it easy - not an easy task for a bipolar academic like me. Plus, there are all those post-holiday sales and like a true manic I love shopping. I could not be happier with the results - I both feel and look like a new person.
Now I need to focus on all that lies ahead of me in the next few months - major life-determining tests. This is where all the work I have done for the past 3.5 years comes to fruition or not. And I need it all to come together. I dream of the life I will have doing what I love. There have been few things in my life that I have wanted more than this.
And now, back to the books ;-)