Sleep Where Have You Gone
Once again last night I got minimal sleep. I was tossing and turning when it was time to sleep. Finally fell asleep.....ahhhhhh. Then, woke up at 1, woke up at 3 woke up at 4:15 and went back to sleep at 5:50. Boyfriend's alarm went off at 6 and that was about it for my night. I am exhausted but awake. I am proud of myself because I didn't go back to bed after getting my kid off to the bus, but I am exhausted. Why does this happen? Is there something I can eat or drink at night that will help me sleep, something besides sleeping pills? I used to have to take sleeping pills, but can't afford them anymore. I want to be able to get a good night's rest for a change, maybe even on a regular basis.
Bought the most amazing necklace on yesterday. It is going to be my good luck charm when i have writer's block. The creator was awesome at doing some custom work on it so it is truly perfect for me. Without a doubt etsy is the best site out there. I highly recommend it for bad days, gifts, etc. Just watch out if you are on a manic shopping spree. Last summer I spent hundreds of dollars on great stuff, but needed that money when fall came. It happens. I am slowly learning to forgive myself for doing those things instead of dwelling on them and beating myself up. At the time I was not "myself" and I made some piss poor decisions. I need to let it go now.
I have a stack of papers to grade today. I plan to get through 10-12 of them. I also want to read at least 50 pages of genre theory before the day is over. Maybe I will also read some of my Bronte novel that is just-for-fun. Despite my workload I am really trying to include some fun reading. Otherwise it all seems like work. I love what I do, but it is work at the end of the day and I don't want reading to become drudgery in any way. I love reading it is part of why I do what i do.
Okay, on with the day.